On-line therapies can deliver a rewarding experience with long-term benefits

When, for whatever reason, it is not possible to make a trip to your therapist’s office remote/online sessions offers the alternative to in-person appointments. Sessions and consultations are conducted via Zoom or Teams which provide safe and secure connections, and the sessions can be just as empowering as an in-person visit with the therapists.

Benefits of remote/online sessions and consultations

  • Remaining well is the most important benefit delivered by remote/online therapy sessions.
  • Flexible and manageable way to take care of your wellbeing needs.
  • Time management. Those with busy schedules can organise sessions at more convenient times to them.
  • Provides access to therapies for those in more remote or rural places and for those with physical limitations or who are unable to drive.
  • Comfort setting of home or special space, can feel more relaxing and restful, before and after your sessions.
  • Travel disruption. Alleviates stress or anxiety around delays caused by road, rail, or weather conditions.
  • Can allow a greater sense of privacy.
  • Present a perfect opportunity experience and trial something new from the comfort of their own home or office space

Tips for making and getting the most from remote/online sessions and consultations

A little preparation of personal space is involved but has its rewards

  • You will need a comfortable, quiet, and private space, at home or in the office where it is unlikely you will not be overheard or interrupted. You may need to ask others to temporarily respect your privacy while your session/consultation is in progress.
  • Try and arrange yourself in as session/consultation like a position as is possible.
  • Make sure you pour yourself a glass of water and maybe have a box of tissues close to hand if you feel emotions play role with a current situation.
  • Please be sure to dress appropriately for your video session/consultation
  • Turn off or put to sleep all other devices other than the one we are using for the video session/consultation.
  • Leave yourself some time, perhaps 15 minutes before a scheduled session/consultation will help you feel prepared and relaxed. Allowing some time following your sessions creates a space to reflect and consolidate any information, or perhaps take a short walk to do this.

Therapists Notes

E-Lybra Sessions. Working remotely provides more benefits, not less, for clients. Greater time flexibility supports much longer running times of E-Lybra sessions with extra beneficial formulas added to a client’s pendants.

Remote Reiki sessions are extraordinarily successful. Clients find relaxing in their own environment, in a space where that is most comfortable allows them to take full advantage of continued rest and the end of the session to gently absorb their experiences.

Hypnotherapy sessions can be just as effective online using the same structured approach as in a practice environment on a one to one basis. A free initial consultation via Zoom or Teams, which provides a safe and secure connection, determines suitability and opportunity to trial the process beforehand without an obligation to book sessions if it is not appropriate.

More people are seeking support through online therapies sessions, for some this is a new experience, others prefer being in their own space at home or in the office where they feel more comfortable and relaxed, which contributes towards a positive outcome.